The History and Health Benefits of Elderberries

Thank you for visiting our page. You came to the right place to change your wellness and health beginning, with our Elderberry Syrup. But what is Elderberry? How long has it been used? Will it benefit the health of my family and me? READ ON TO FIND OUT!

What is Elderberry?

A plant containing elderberries.

Elderberry is a dark, purplish colored berry that grows on the Elder tree in Europe. This is not to be confused with other Elder trees such as the American Elder, Elderflower, or Dwarf Elder. This fruit has long been known to have certain health effects ranging from boosting the immune system, improved skin care, and helping in the prevention of cancer. But how reliable is it? Let’s look at the history of its use! 

The History of Elderberry

The Elderberry has a long and storied history, but I will try and spare you the boring stuff! I want to provide a comprehensive look so you see that its benefits have been valued for over a millennia.

The plant is believed to have started its growth sometime between 12,000 – 9,000 B.C.E, whoa! Elder seeds have been found in neolithic dwellings which means humans were cultivating it as far back as 2,000 B.C.E.

In the middle ages, people didn’t have what we would call a modern understanding of medicinal practices, but it is obvious humans understood Elderberry did good things for the human body.

Elderberry has a well-documented history of use in folk remedies. In the Middle Ages elderberry was considered a Holy Tree, capable of restoring good health, keeping good health, and increasing life expectancy. Hippocrates referred to elderberry as, “nature’s medicine chest”. All parts of the elderberry plant were considered valuable in many folks and native medicinal traditions (Hutchens 1991, Walker et al. 1993; Barrett et al. 1933; Clarke 1977).

As time wore on people learned to use Elderberry to improve skin complexion, and after churning it they would use it to heal cuts and deep wounds. 

Why Does My Family Need Elderberry Syrup?

A healthy heart graphic representing the health elderberry provides.

Many people consider the elderberry plant one of the most powerful to prevent and treat colds, allergies and influenza. Many swear by its antiviral properties. Elderberries are thought to decrease pain and inflammation, and reduce symptoms of upper respiratory infections. 

Some people take elderberry by mouth for the common cold, “the flu” (influenza), and H1N1 “swine” flu. There are also studies being conducted on the effectiveness of Elderberry for the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.

Elderberry is also taken by mouth for sinus pain, back and leg pain (sciatica), nerve pain (neuralgia), and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Some people also take elderberry by mouth for hay fever (allergic rhinitis), cancer, as a laxative for constipation, better urine flow, and to cause sweating. It is also used for heart disease, high cholesterol, headache, toothache, and weight loss. 

Some people apply elderberry to the inside the mouth for gum inflammation.

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What is Elderberry

The History and Health Benefits of Elderberries

Thank you for visiting our page. You came to the right place to change your wellness and health beginning, with our Elderberry Syrup. But what is Elderberry? How long has it been used? Will it benefit the health of my family and me? READ ON TO FIND OUT!