Keeping Families Healthy Together

Hey y’all! Thank you so much for visiting my page God Given Health. I want to take this time to share a little bit about me and how Elderberry and God Given Health came to be! I have a burning desire to help families find and implement wellness into their lives and achieve the health they deserve. If you have a moment, I would love for you to read on!

My Early Life

I was born in Wisconsin and moved to Texas with my family at the age of four, where we eventually settled in the Dallas area. I attended a private school 1-8th grade, then went from an 8th grade graduating class of 5 (not a typo!) to a freshman class of over 900!  That was an adjustment for sure!  I went to community college for the basics then went to UT Dallas for a Business and Marketing degree.  All this with ZERO student loans and living on my own!   I graduated with no student debt as I waitressed and modeled all through school to pay for it!  After school, I decided to take a little break before hitting the workforce and traveled Europe. 

I learned more about history, geography, and culture by visiting the following countries:

A man backpacking through Europe. Lisa, the owner of God Given Health has travelled extensively.

  • Italy
  • England
  • France
  • Switzerland
  • Germany
  • Austria
  • Greece
  • Czech Republic
  • Hungary
  • Poland
  • Lithuania
  • Latvia
  • Estonia
  • and Russia!

Hitting the Workforce

My first ‘real job was in sales.  I worked for a local liquor distributor selling beer and wine on-premise (in bars and restaurants).  I had a great time, met some really good people, and really enjoyed what I did for work.  During that time I was ‘discovered’ as a model and ended up traveling again to Germany, Italy, Miami, and New York doing print and runway modeling.  LOVED that job so much but it was not my real calling.   While in Miami I was contacted by a former co-worker that approached me about a new energy drink that was about to be launched in the US.  I told him he was crazy and that I was not interested (mind you energy drinks had not hit the market at this time). He kept pursuing me for the opportunity and I decide to dive in!  Well, that opportunity was none other than Red Bull!  SUCH an amazing job!  LOVED working with them and creating brand awareness in North Texas. After three years there it was time to move on and do my own thing! 

I was recruited to sell electricity during the time of deregulation and ended up starting my own company called Lone Star NRG.  Made some really great money but HATED going to work every day which is NO way to live. Lisa the owner of God Given Health was once an RN  I had always loved the medical field and decided at that time it was the perfect opportunity to go to nursing school.  I went from making a six-figure salary to attending RN school full time and working full time making $10/hr – quite the switch!  I KNEW I would learn so much working as a student nurse (in my 30’s) and it would be tremendously beneficial in my RN journey. I worked at the absolute BEST hospital – Parkland in Dallas.  I worked in the SICU (surgical ICU), learned so much, saw incredible things, met amazing people, and LOVED my job!

Starting a Family

During my Parkland days, I got married and had two beautiful baby girls.  Life got so crazy and I enjoyed mom life too much for 12-hour shifts (that would turn into 16 with the report and driving to and from work).  I ended up getting a job closer to home at a surgical center which was fun for a bit and LOVED being closer to home.  I also did travel nursing for a short while which took me to Colorado.  Such a gorgeous place and we miss it so very much!

In 2016 I moved back to Mckinney to be closer to the family as I was going through a very rough divorce.  It was the hardest time of my life and this song brought me through some very rough times.  If you are needing to feel comfort – this is your song…

The Beginning of God Given Health

I worked for a local hospital in their PACU (recovery unit) and had several different job titles within that hospital.  I left there and became a hospice RN.  One of the best aspects of nursing is all the different types of nursing that are available!   The job was very rough at times but I truly loved that job as well.  As you can see I have a servant’s heart.  

When I started that job I was at the tail end of my divorce, rocking the single mom thing and healing from the divorce.  One month into the job my youngest daughter go the flu (this was the year of the really bad 7-day flu).  I did not want to see her sick, did not have time built up at work for sick days, and could not get sick myself. 

I researched natural flu remedies and elderberry popped up!  I went to the store and saw all the additives they put in there and decided to make it for myself.  I looked at several different recipes and found a mix of them that worked for us.  My youngest was over the flu in just a few days, and my other daughter and I never contracted it!   My sister said ‘hey I want some of that!  She and her family stayed well aside from her son that did get the flu was over it in two days!

She told me ‘you need to sell this!’  I responded with ‘yeah right, no one will ever buy this from me’.  Well, she tagged me in a mom’s post on Facebook and a business was born!  This was during the great elderberry shortage of 2017/2018!  Orders blew up so quickly on that post I created a Facebook group that is still going strong today.  In two months over 400 people trusted me with their wellness and I am FOREVER grateful!


Grass with the sun shining through.

The Journey Continued

After that flu season, I thought wow, that was pretty cool, and love that I did that – now back to work and I’ll keep making the purple magic juice for my girls and me.  Well, August of 2018 rolled around and people were reaching out to me to buy more!  I was simply floored!  That season the business continued to grow and the word got out.  People were supporting my left and right and it felt so good to be helping so many in North Texas stay well!

The season is August to March or April depending on the weather.  August is busy with getting back to school and then all the allergies hit in March and April.  With having local honey in the product it is AMAZING at helping to curb allergy symptoms and has helped so many of my customers through the sniffles and sneezes.

Hospice RN Work Ending

In January of 2019 things at work took a different turn and I was no longer happy in my work environment.  I swore I would never allow toxic people into my life again and sadly they crept into my workplace.  I vowed that month to go part-time or leave my RN job and work elderberry full time.  I did not know how it was going to happen or if it would even work.  July 16th I gave my two-week notice and my last day was July 31st!  I made my goal to start brewing full time and keeping North Texas well.

October 1, 2019, I secured my first retail location in Rockwall at Rockwall Spine and Sports with my friend and chiropractor Jay Humphrey.  He is an amazing chiropractor and just one of those good humans.  So thankful for him and for supporting my business!

That year (August to August) God-Given Health attained 19 retail locations all over DFW and the business simply exploded!  March 2020 we all know was the beginning of the craziest times and it was the biggest month God-Given Health has had to date!  So many of my customers have added my Elderberry syrup to their wellness and immune-boosting regimen and it has helped them so much.  Several of my customers also used it to help them heal more quickly from viruses if they contracted them, including my father!  

I'm Here to Help and Serve

Through my life, I have always known I have a servants heart and it is my strong desire to help others.  I have incorporated my medical knowledge with my desire and am on a wellness journey, thank you for going on it with me.  I have always believed “God made the human body to heal itself, it’s just up to us to give it what it needs” (Lisa Bee).   Much love and wellness to everyone out there!  

Bee Happy, Bee Well and Bee Kind!

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About Us

What is God Given Health?

Hey y’all! Thank you so much for visiting my page God Given Health. I want to take this time to share a little bit about me and how Elderberry and God Given Health came to be! I have a burning desire to help families find and implement wellness into their lives and achieve the health they deserve. If you have a moment, I would love for you to read on!

What is Elderberry

The History and Health Benefits of Elderberries

Thank you for visiting our page. You came to the right place to change your wellness and health beginning, with our Elderberry Syrup. But what is Elderberry? How long has it been used? Will it benefit the health of my family and me? READ ON TO FIND OUT!